
  Blog with unlimited posts    Webhosting with unlimited space    Guestbook with image uploading  
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FAQ - Frequent asked questions
    Registration FAQ
    Blog FAQ
    Webhosting FAQ
    Guestbook FAQ

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Inquiries - Support

Before sending an enquiry

If the answer to your enquiry is written in the FAQ, or leads us to judge that the FAQ and Terms of Service have not been read, we will not be able to respond.
Please send inquiries after having thoroughly read these.

Buttobi.net Registration and General   FAQ / Terms of Service

Blog FAQ
Webhosting FAQ
Guestbook FAQ

BUTTOBI-WAVE FAQ / Terms of Service

Reporting sites that violate the Terms of Service

Please inform us using the following form.

Buttobi.net Blog with unlimited posts

For requests and error reports regarding the blog service,
please use the "Opinions/Requests" category in the following link.

 https://enfaq.nrt.buttobi.net/  (Blog Support Blog)

*Please do not send requests and error reports using the form below.


The Webhosting service is aimed at intermediate users and above
(those people who can create HTML by themselves, upload by themselves,
and make corrections by themselves when the homepage doesn't display like they thought it would).

We do not respond to basic questions regarding how to make homepages,
how to use FTP, and so forth.

If there is something that you do not understand about making a homepage,
please refer to "Mr. Buttobi's Friendly Homepage-making Guide",
or if that still doesn't help, first try researching by yourself.
Looking up homepage creation or similar on a search engine will find lots of explanatory sites.

If you want a high degree of freedom when running your homepage, as well as prompt support,
please use INCOMING.JP or MAILYWEB instead of the free webhosting.


For requests and error reports regarding the blog service,
please use the "Opinions/Requests" category in the following link.
 https://enfaq.syd.buttobi.net/  (Guestbook Support Blog)

*Please do not send requests and error reports using the form below.

Having read the above, if you have any error reports or feature requests,
please let us know using the form below.

Please be aware that as a general rule, we do not send replies.
If there is actually an error we will do our very best to deal with it as quickly as possible,
and things judged to be necessary will be added to the FAQ.
E-mail Address
*Should a reply be necessary,
 we will use the address entered here.
E-mail Address (Confirmation)

*Please input without using copy & paste.
Your account ID

*If you are already a user, this is a required field.
Please confirm that all information is correct, and then click the "Send" button.

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