First of all
Getting ready

Homepage-making "tricks"
The rules of the world of homepages

 Basic "tricks" you should know
    - Make Text easy to read
    - Try changing the text position
    - Try adding pictures
    - Adding links to other sites
Different Colors

Rent space to open your homepage in
Use the File Manager and show your homepage to everybody

Lots more "tricks"
How to become a homepage master

Whatever you do, preparation is important!

Right, start getting ready to make your homepage!
First of all, check you have everything you need.

A key point when making a homepage is "not using money", so you shouldn't need to spend any money on preparations either.

The first thing you need is......
A computer. 

If you're reading this, then you've got a computer, right?
And you're connected to the Internet, too.
This is what you're going to use to make your homepage!
Next is...
A Browser.

  A browser??

To put it simply, this is the software you use to look at homepages.
If you look at the top of the window you're looking at this page in now, it says "Internet Explorer" or "Netscape" or something there right?

This is the software which lets you see this page.
It's called a browser.

  I don't really understand, but basically if I can see this page
that means I've got a browser! Right?

Yeah, that's right.


A Text Editor.

As the name suggests, this is software used for editing text. Actually, every computer has one of these.

Windows has Note Pad, and Macs should have one called SimpleText.

In Windows...

From the "Start" Menu, choose "All Programs",
(*In Windows 95/NT/98/ME/2000 choose "Programs")

"Accessories" -> "Note Pad"

Actually, you can already make a homepage with just these three things.

  With just a computer, a browser and Note Pad?

That's right! Easier than you expected, isn't it?

So now that you've got together everything you need, let's start getting ready to make a homepage right away!

  This is exciting!.

We're going to start making your homepage,
but first of all make a folder in your computer to put all the data for the homepage in.
Any name is fine as long as it's easy to understand.

Let's save all the data for the homepage you're going to make in this folder.

  OK, I'll make it somewhere that's easy to remember...
Next, have you heard of "File Extensions", Mr Buttobi?  
  File Extensions?

Right. File extensions are the 3 letters (sometimes 2 or 4)
that show what kind of file it is.

When making a homepage, it's important to know about file extensions so that you can know what each file is, but most computers don't show file extensions straight away when you buy them.

When you're making a homepage, if you don't know what the file extension is it's going to be really inconvenient, so first of all let's make them show up.

* How to display file extensions (Windows)

Click on "Tools" in "My Computer"

Click "Folder Options".

Click on the "Display" tab, go to "Advanced Settings", and uncheck "Hide file extensions for known file types".

If you then click "OK", have a look at various folders.
At the end of each file name there should be 3 letters (sometimes 2 or 4).

All alright up to here?
With all the preparations done with,
you can finally start making your homepage!
